Hanieh and I are back from our honeymoon now and wanted to thank you and the band for your great performance this time last week! We've had a lot of compliments about the music, particularly from my Dad who wanted me to pass on his personal thanks for all the music, which got everyone on the dancefloor!
Terry Pattar wrote...
Sara Toumadj wrote...
Thanks so much again for your performance last weekend, we really enjoyed it and loved your voice and choice of songs!
Charlie Farminer wrote...
When I left she was very happy and a few people got up to dance at the end which was so lovely.
Nima was amazing such a fantastic sound.
Charlie Faminer,
Events & Groups Executive
F&B Director of Savoy London wrote...
I hope this finds you well. We have received some great feedback from the guests who joined up for the Dinner Dance on Saturday – which is great.
Concert review Chichester Observer...
During his dynamic introduction, the popular international guitarist, Nima Leon made it hugely obvious to all those present that he had been enormously stimulated by the lively rhythm and melody of the progressive, pop-oriented flamenco group, The Gipsy Kings, led by Nicolas Reyes – originally formed in the South France and still continuing to release trendy albums ever since its first hit single, 'Bamboleo', in 1987.
Having paraded into the traditional Georgian atmosphere of St John's Chapel with his team of enthusiastic guitarists – Michael Pratt on bass, Jonathan Henderson with pulsating synthesizer and Michele Cea, together with inventive percussionist, Sajad
Al Samurai – Leon's stance indicated that he was eager to launch an evening programme of the most vibrant and energetic music imaginable.
The Gipsy Kings 'Experience' was raring to go – demonstrating just how Spanish flamenco and Romani rhapsody meet salsa funk!
With the group now assembled in front of the 'three-decker' pulpit – all five amplified with an extensive sound system – the first number began with a gentle, slowly ascending, introduction, led by synthesizer and bass guitar, suddenly shifting on to a plane of intense rhythm, guitar and the poetic voice of Leon himself – a vital formula which was passionately applied throughout most of the gig.
The full house soon became enraptured with this form of presentation, particularly when given an extended version of one of Gipsy Kings' all-time favourites, Volare, Leon himself expressing the joy, passion and rhythm from what had now become the sixth instrument – his own expressive voice!
John Wheatley
Tanja Furby Operartions Manager from Pak Plaza County Hall wrote...
We are looking forward to seeing you again on Monday, for our staff lunch but in the mean time, whilst still fresh, I wanted to give you some feedback on the season in general and last night.
Your performances were wonderful throughout and you were, unfortunately, sadly missed last night
Kennedy Masterton Smith wrote...
Dear Nima Leon,
You may remember playing at my wedding on 8 December last year at Skinners Hall in London. Both my husband and I absolutely loved your music and all our guests loved it too.
I was hoping that Chris and I could come and hear you play sometime in December/January if that is possible. Are you still playing at the Savoy?
Best regards,
Danny from Universal Music Group wrote...
Dear Nima,
I met you earlier tonight in Gaucho Picadilly. I thought you had a great act. I'm from LA and used to work at the Universal Music Group, I've listened to a lot of music. Anyways I would love to buy your cd. Let me know how that works? Also if you've got any up coming gigs I would be most obliged if you would let me know when and where they were.